Domestic BER Assessor

Geoff Hutchinson

What is a BER?

BER (Building Energy Rating) indicates the energy performance of a building. The rating scale ranges from A to G. A, being the most efficient, requires the least amount of energy to meet its energy demands. G, being the least efficient requires the greatest amount of energy.

Who needs a BER?

There are many reasons you may be required to obtain a BER Certificate. Any property owner considering renting or selling a property is legally required to have BER before placing their property on the market.
BER Certificates are also necessary for SEAI grant approvals & Green Mortgage approvals.
BER certificates are required by homeowners of newly built homes in Ireland

What type of energy consumption is considered for a BER?

Energy consumption resulting from lighting, ventilation & heating are all accounted for in a BER.

BER Rating

How is a BER calculated?

An SEAI registered BER assessor must carry out a site survey. The site survey is necessary to gather all relevant information related to the BER assessment.
The area for each exposed element of the building must be calculated (Roof, wall, floor, windows & doors). Where accessible, the type & thickness insulation installed will be included.
Other elements of the building which will be documented are the heating system, water storage, ventilation & lighting
The BER assessor will need access to all rooms + attic space during a BER survey. Copies of product data information & site photos are used to record the information gathered during the survey.

How is a BER calculated?

An SEAI registered BER assessor must carry out a site survey. The site survey is necessary to gather all relevant information related to the BER assessment.
The area for each exposed element of the building must be calculated (Roof, wall, floor, windows & doors). Where accessible, the type & thickness insulation installed will be included.
Other elements of the building which will be documented are the heating system, water storage, ventilation & lighting
The BER assessor will need access to all rooms + attic space during a BER survey. Copies of product data information & site photos are used to record the information gathered during the survey.

How long does a BER survey take?

A standard 3-bedroom house will take approximately 1 hour to carry out a BER survey. This can vary, depending on the size & complexity of each house design.

How often is a BER Certificate required?

A BER Certificate is valid for 10 years.
If changes are made to a building which may affect its energy performance, then a new BER Certificate is required.

What upgrades will improve a BER rating?

There are many ways to improve a BER rating.
Increasing insulation can make a dramatic difference to a home’s energy efficiency.
Heating systems also play a pivotal role in determining a home’s energy efficiency. For example, installing a more efficient heating system with improved heating controls can greatly reduce the energy demands of a home or commercial building.
Increasing the amount of energy supplied by renewable resources will also improve a home’s energy efficiency, which in turn supports an improved BER rating. Solar panels for hot water supply, PV panels for electrical production & heat pumps for heating demand are some examples where energy supply can be transitioned from fossil fuels to renewable resources.
There are many government grants which will aid in paying for energy upgrades to a property.

What is the benefit of a BER?

For many reasons BER Certificates are legally required.
Outside of legal requirements, a BER is an important factor when selling or leasing a property. A good BER rating can increase the value of a property.
A home with high energy efficiency will need less energy to meet it demands. This results in a warmer home with reduced energy bills.
In today’s climate, reducing bills relating to heating and electricity is becoming more and more paramount. A highly efficient home will have a smaller carbon footprint due to reduced fuel demands & better heat retention.